Do you want to be as cool as ‘The Stillest Man In Rock™’ Ben Sink from Paul Draper’s band? Here he models the Exclusive Limited edition, Mansun t-shirt, available to pre-order now for release 26th June.
Vintage styled with the iconic photo of Mansun by Pennie Smith (The Clash, Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, The Who, Iggy Pop), we only have a limited number of these t-shirts available to buy on a first come, first served basis. Once the limited edition run has sold out, we will not be reprinting this design again.
Five sizes for girls & boys are available from small to XXL; on quality EarthPositive™ t-shirts which are 100% organic, climate neutral and ethically manufactured.
Order now for your post lockdown summer wardrobe, as half of all stock has already gone in the first week of pre-sale. Get yours from the Official Mansun Store by clicking HERE